01 The Mystery of Human Life.ppt

02 The Bible - The Book of the Books.ppt

03 Evolution and God's Creation.ppt

04 Jesus Christ.ppt

05 Who is Jesus Christ.ppt

06 The Redemption of Christ.ppt

07 Christ is Life.ppt

07 Christ is Life-Version2.ppt

08 The Second Coming of Christ.ppt

09 World Situation and Lord's Move.ppt

09 World Situation and Lord's Move-Version2.ppt

10 Original Situation of Human.ppt

11 Current Situation and Real Needs of Human.ppt

12 How to Become a Christian.ppt

12 How to Become a Christian-Version2.ppt

13 Ekklesia, Church and Chapel.ppt

04 耶稣基督Jesus Christ - The Prophesy in the OT and the Fulfilm~05D.ppt

05 耶稣基督是谁Who is Jesus Christ.ppt

07基督是生命 Christ is Life-Version2.ppt